Learn, Grow & Serve.

Come find purpose and significance as we apply God’s Word to our lives.

A Message from Pastor Bridges
For generations, the world has had an urgent need for God-called men to preach the Word with precision and power. Men of faith who stand boldly, refusing to replace sound doctrine with modern-day cultural soundbites, that threaten the unity and influence of the Church. In His infinite wisdom and grace, God has appointed a man for this season to serve as the 18th Pastor of Greater Pearlie Grove Missionary Baptist Church.
“If I am not preaching the Gospel, then what message of hope could I possibly offer broken and lost souls.”
Rev. Arthur R. Bridges, II

What's Going On?

There’s always something going on Pearlie Grove that you and your family can participate in. From Christ-centered worship, to fun activities, to good food – there’s something for everyone.


Come Worship With Us At The Grove!

Worship services at 10am. 
Or join us LIVE via Facebook and YouTube at 8am.


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